People living with Parkinson’s and their Care Partners

Using the Mindfulness for People living with Parkinson’s and Care Partners, People living with Parkinson’s and their Care Partners will learn to discover common ground for discussion and growth in relationship and connection supported by mindfulness and compassion training tools they will develop during the course.

Course content/duration

We offer Mindfulness training for People living with Parkinson’s, and their Care Partners separately as well as for People living with Parkinson’s together with their Care Partners. The theory behind mindfulness taught during the 8-week, 1.5 hour weekly group sessions.

The principles of mindfulness are taught interactively through the participants experience during meditation, the body scan and mindful movement in class and through home practice.

Home practice also includes instruction on incorporating mindfulness and mindful moments in daily life and is supported by weekly PDF lessons and audio files on mindful meditation, body scan and

Learning format

Interactive learning in an on-line course (zoom).



Registration for 2024 is open. Mindfulness courses start the week of January 15th, 2024